Wisdom Management

KM Video Policy
September 18, 2008, 2:37 am
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One way a company can capture its tacit knowledge, store and reuse it, is to record all of its presentations and meeting speakers on video, and publish a repository of these videos on the company’s internal website.

This would achieve three objectives at once:

  1. People will be compelled to better perform on their presentations, because they know that it’s being recorded and saved forever
  2. People who join the company or a project after a key presentation took place can quickly catch up on the basics by watching the video presentation that is most crucial and relevant to the needed work
  3. Training does not have to be repeated over and over again. A video is worth a thousand pictures, which is equal to a million words.

Today, the technology exists to do it. All a company needs to do is add a video to its meeting rooms and a technician or two that would upload those videos and manage them on the sever. But the KM power that can be extracted from such a policy could be priceless.